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美加 五十嵐

英語話者の被験者募集 Native English Speakers Interested in Participating in an fMRI Study Needed


1 英語話者であること

2 大阪大学医学部でのfMRIを用いた調査に参加できること(大阪モノレール阪大病院前下車)

3 拘束時間はおよそ( 2.5 )時間 最大3時間

4 お礼は(9000円、交通費なし ) 原則銀行振り込み。口座が国内にない場合は、応相談。

5 その他の条件 20-35歳、右利き、神経系の既往歴がないこと

興味のあるかたは北澤茂教授に直接ご連絡ください(kita-s[@]を囲む[ ] は削除してください)。

We recruit volunteers who participate in a brain imaging experiment to investigate how the brain process language. Participants are asked to listen to short English sentences read aloud while lying in an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner, like those in hospitals. We ask you to fill in several questionnaires before and after the scanning session.

One-time participation in July/August, 2017. Date negotiable.

Around 2.5 hours, 3 hours max.

〒565-0871 Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), Osaka University Suita Campus, 1-4 Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka

3-min walk from the “Handai-byoin-mae” station (Osaka monorail).

Building 58. Please come to the lobby on the first floor.

1) No history of neurological disorders 2) 20-35 years old 3) Right-handed.

9000 JPY. Reimbursement of transportation fee:none

The payment will be made to your bank account. If you do not have a bank account, please consult.

Contact Prof. Shigeru Kitazawa kita-s[@] (Remove [ ] from the above account.)








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