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美加 五十嵐

The Proceedings of the Eleventh Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics


TCPのProceedingsが出来上がりました。 ぜひご覧ください。

Edited by Yukio Otsu(大津由紀雄 編) ISBN:978-4-89476-552-8C3081 ¥10,290 Hituzi Publishing Company (ひつじ書房)


Revisiting Modularity Susan Curtiss 1

The Syntactic OCP Ken Hiraiwa 35

SLI Children’s Weakness in Morphosyntax and Pragmatics Fabrizio Arosio, Chiara Branchini, Matteo Forgiarini and Maria Teresa Guasti 57

Developmental Dyslexia: ERP Correlates of Anomalous Morphosyntactic Processing Chiara Cantiani, Maria Luisa Lorusso, Paolo Perego, Massimo Molteni and Maria Teresa Guasti 79

On the Typology of Wh-conditionals in Chinese Stephen Crain and Autuman Q.-P. Luo 97

The Acquisition of Morpho-phonological Alternations: A Case Study with German-speaking Children Anne Gwinner 121

Feature Transfer in L2 Acquisition: With Special Reference to Reflexive Binding Nao Ishino and Hiroyuki Ura 141

The BEI Construction, Movement Chains and the Copy Theory Pei-Jung Kuo 161

A Comparative Study of the Acquisition of Plural Morphemes in Japanese and Korean Nao Nakano, Hye Sun Park and Cristina Schmitt 181

Contextually Restricted Scales of I-adjectives in Japanese Toshiko Oda 201

English/Turkish Interlanguage Prosody: Implications for UG, Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis and Full Transfer/Full Access Öner Özçelik 221

Discourse Topic in Japanese: A Syntax-semantics Interface Yasuhiro Sasahira 237

Fragments in Child English and Spanish Koji Sugisaki and William Snyder 253

Are Chinese Children’s Passives Delayed? Ting Xu 269





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